Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
The only entry after the church in the second edition is for Little Glemham Hall. Of it, Pevsner says: A large red-brick mansion of c1715-25 (rain-water heads 1717-1722). The entrance side is of three storeys, with main cornice below the top storey, seven-bay centre, and two bay projecting wings. Absolutely flat roof, and originally no decoration. Tall windows. The only decoration is a porch, which is not original, and two oddly-placed Tuscan pilasters which seem entirely incongruous if referred to thje present house. However, this was preceded by an Elizabethan house, and the pilasters and the Ionic pilasters whose traces one can still see above them seem more probable as Tudor than as Georgian." Seen here from the front:

And here from the rear:

And from the side:

Here are the stables:

And the other side of the stables: